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Counselling for the Motherload

Motherhood is one of the most significant rites of passage a woman will experience. Matrescence recognises that like all life-transforming experiences, motherhood can stir a bewildering array of feelings. 

Work-life balance, sustaining sense of self, the digital age and social demands have changed the face of mothering. Let's find time and space to honour you, your efforts and your innate gifts.

The Motherload

You've made it through the early years of motherhood; now it's time to summon the will for the long haul of raising children.

As we navigate the ups and downs of motherhood, it is normal to experience a range of emotions. Emotions including guilt, anxiety, and overwhelm. It may feel like there is no time to have your own emotional experience when focusing attention on your children. Not addressing your emotional needs may work in the short term. Over time ignoring or masking emotions can lead to mental health issues. Issues such as anxiety or depression, and burnout. 

That’s why it’s critical that we focus on our emotional health as mothers and find effective ways to cope with the challenges we face.


  • Does your mind dwell on the past or fantasise about the future, robbing you of the present moment?

  • Do you get stuck analysing every decision and interaction you have?

  • Do you have a feeling that something terrible will happen or are you always waiting for the other shoe to drop?

  • Are you worried your life is not what you want it to be, so you find yourself stuck in your head analysing or problem-solving, which takes you further away from the life you want?

  • Does your mind focus on worst-case scenarios? Do you tell yourself if you just plan for the worst, you will be prepared, which will lessen your inevitable pain?

It might be time to pause and explore strategies to help you find peace in your present moment existence.


There's the low feelings that can accompany the phenomenal upheaval to hormones, loss of sleep, the need to recover from birth. Deeper sense of sadness, exhaustion, hopelessness and helplessness can be signs of Postnatal Depression, a more pervasive experience.


Do you find yourself constantly asking - am I doing a good enough job? How do I manage my desire for my old life and my wonder for my current life? 

Call me Mum

  • Change in self identity 

  • Body image 

  • Relationship changes

  • Family issues

  • Contemplating return to work and impacts on family

  • Unexpected outcomes

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